Monday, December 15, 2014

Literacy Specials Lesson 12/16

Our lit special lesson is below, but please click the link above to see it better...the video below isn't working as well!!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Revision Writing Celebration

Here is a little trailer of our writing celebration today! Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Book Clubs

Check out our book clubs- the new reader's workshop unit! We are discussing patterns that we noticed throughout the series and chatting about why those pieces might be important!

Monday, November 10, 2014

New Reader's Workshop Unit

Good Morning-

Our new RW unit is focused on Informational Reading. Today, our Giraffes organized our informational/nonfiction books into categories that they felt would work for our classroom library. This was a great way to launch our new unit!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Hometown Helping Hands Winner...from OUR TEAM!

One of our own from the Giraffe Team, Kari, won the Hometown Helping Hands prize this Monday Tuesday afternoon! Kari created a drawing to show how we can care for others and make donations to keep them warm during this cold, Michigan winter! Congratulations, Kari!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Did we scare you with our creative costumes on Friday? Check out all of our great pictures on the shutterfly website under "classroom photos". I worked on making the website more easily accessible!

Here is a little preview!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thinking Win-WIN!

We enjoyed a wonderful celebration assembly Monday morning. Two of our teachers, Mrs. Kenny & Mrs. Duplissis led our panthers in the pledge and helped us learn about Thinking Win-Win, "I win, you win, WE WIN!" They made some great connections and reminder about being bucket fillers not bucket dippers.
Ask your child about Think Win-Win and being a bucket filler... they have a lot of great knowledge to share!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hi Giraffes-

Check out our Panther Prowl photos [more under the classroom photos link].

We had a great time raising funds for our school! We also got to vote on funky things for Ms. Gade to wear [including a furry mustache!]

**Pictures from Matt Deyoung!


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Doughnuts Anyone?

No, we didn't actually eat doughnuts! We shared our strong endings doughnut style today so that we could easily rotate & get feedback/encouragement from lots of our peers!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Word Work Fun

Happy Wednesday Giraffe Friends-

We had a great time with our word work this morning...we got to practice with playdough! Our room smelled wonderful and we had lots of colorful fun!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Science ALIVE!

Boy, are we lucky! We had a great in-room assembly today called Science Alive. We got to meet, learn about, and touch 5 really cool animals! Ask your child about them! Here are a few photos, look for more to be added this weekend!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Friday!

We ended our Friday with a great story from Grandpa Gundy! Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


There have been some inquires about when our specials are, I think I forgot to include them in the packet for you!

Tuesday- TLT
Wednesday- Music/Spanish
Thursday- P.E.
Friday- Tech/ ART

**All of our specials are in the Morning!

Hope this helps!

First Day of School!

Our first day was a success! Lots of routines and introductions. Ready to begin working our brains today! We will have a Welcome Assembly lead by Mrs. Drake.

Parents, if you have any old [but clean!] socks, could you send them in? They are GREAT erasers for our math whiteboards. Thank you very much!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Welcome to the Giraffe Team 14-15

Hello Parents & Students-

Welcome to our class blog. Here you will find homework links, educational links, pictures, and classroom updates!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Summer Learning

Wow, I notice about 5 friends doing Xtra math twice a week...rockstars! I also had a few friends respond to the reading response on kidblog. Nice work!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Reading Response- Summer Check in

Hi Giraffe Team-

Our first reading response was posted on kidblog- head there and COMMENT on my post.

Xtra math check is it going?

Hope your summer is great so far!

Ms. Gade

Friday, March 28, 2014

Closing Ceremony

We ended our March is Reading Month winter Olympics, "Read for the GOLD!" this morning at our closing ceremony! Our giraffes earned 29 gold medals and had a chance to wear them to the assembly and represent our country, Norway!

Realistic Fiction Celebration!

Yesterday, we celebrated the hard work that we put forth on our realistic fiction unit. We studied character traits, problems & solutions, strong leads, and interesting endings to create awesome stories!

Check out some pictures from our celebration!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March is Reading Month

Checking in from team Norway! Our Giraffes are representing Norway in our winter reading olympics. Each night that they read 25 minutes, they can color in a ring in their medals. They will be able to wear each medal that they recieved to our "Closing Ceremony" assembly at the end of the month!

We also had a chance to learn about Norway from Ms. Gade's dad [his family is from Norway] he had some fun stories, and cool things to show us!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

February is Dental Month

Our second grade group celebrated this by educating ourselves on teeth care- Little Smiles from Grand Haven kindly came in and gave a presentation about dental care. They brought in eggs and dipped them in different things such as cola to see what it does to our teeth! Very interactive and very cool!!

Sharpening the Saw...

Last week our team finished up snowshoeing with Mr. P in P.E. What a great time to "sharpen the saw" and exercise balance to grow our brains! Check out some sweet photos of our athletic team!

Monday, January 13, 2014


Happy Second week back!
Finally back to some normal schedules.

More pictures from December should be loaded up tonight [if I stay on task...] :)

Also, per a few requests...a photo of Bailey, my new puppy! I rescued her over Christmas Break. She is such a doll and is getting very spoiled already!